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Recognizing the Different Types of Caregivers in Our Lives

Caregivers come in many other forms. Join us in celebrating all types of caregiving!

Jim McCann

Sep 27, 2022

Written by our Founder and CEO, our Celebrations Pulse Sunday Letters aim to engage with our community. From sharing stories to welcoming your ideas, we want to help you to express, connect, and celebrate the important people in your life.

We celebrated National Caregivers Day last Friday, and we didn’t want the moment to go by without acknowledging the wonderful community of people who are caregivers, some in our own lives. They are unsung heroes and verifiable lifesavers.

Since the start of the pandemic, we have all been reminded about the enormous impact of first responders, the heroic caregivers who deliver urgent medical care. They see so much pain and suffering, which makes them truly remarkable human beings.

Caregivers come in many other forms. They are neighbors, parents, children, partners, friends, and even strangers – professional or community-based – who give of themselves to help those in need.

There are approximately 43.5 million caregivers just in the U.S. today. More than one in five Americans are caregivers, having provided care to an adult or child with special needs at some time in the past 12 months.

Caregiver helping an elderly man.

Why sharing is caring

Caregivers share a piece of their lives and their time to lend a helping hand to those in need. Our lives are defined by a limited amount of time, and once it passes, there’s no getting it back. That’s why time is the most precious gift that anyone can give.

Our friends at Harry & David recognize this fact with their simple mantra, “Life is a gift. Share more.” And it’s one of the reasons they’re embracing the support and appreciation of caregivers while providing useful information for those providing and receiving care.

We’re constantly reminded that Harry & David and our other brands serve the caring community. This is especially evident in the thousands of messages that accompany our deliveries. People send flower arrangements and fruit baskets to express their gratitude to those who have gone the extra mile, while others provide care by ordering everything from prepared meals to sweet treats to lift the spirits of people they care for.

Our community is indeed a caring one. We’re humbled by the fact that people choose our brands to express their love for others and to connect with all the people in their lives, including caregivers and those in need of care.

Stories of caregivers

In sharing their lives, caregivers provide indomitable acts of love, developing unique and special bonds with those under their care. Here are a few of the stories of caregivers in our community.

Our caregiver community

We know there are so many wonderful stories of caregiving, and we also know that caregivers could benefit from the support of one another. Caregivers can turn to our Caregiving Connection Community, a safe haven for family caregivers to meet others in their situation as well as seek tools and strategies.

“When you’re going through these challenges, you need to know you’re not alone, and Wisdo works hard to give you a safe, nonjudgmental place to say, ‘This is really difficult,’ or ‘I need a day off,’ and hear back from peers who won’t take issue with you,” Dr. Leithman says.

There’s great healing in knowing somebody else feels the way you feel or is struggling with the same issues you’re struggling with – somebody who can say, “I hear you. I get it. Tell me more. What can I do to help?”

There are some interesting experiments where people are being paid to be caregivers to family members in need. That strikes us as an interesting path to explore, and much more in keeping with the responsibilities within the extended family. We think there are some great opportunities for innovation in institutionalized care.

To all the wonderful caregivers out there, we salute you, we appreciate you, and we honor you and all the hard work you do to make the lives of others more comfortable.

All the best,
Chris & Jim

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